Two people, looking at PC, explanatory gesture
#Execution & Operation

Capacities and Expertise for the Success of Your Project 

Navigate and confidently complete your projects and programs with the help of our experts. Expand capacities and competencies for your project as needed in areas like project and program management, the Project Management Office (PMO) and architecture. Or evaluate the new company positions and initiatives with our experts with no risk, before building up your own resources to handle them. 

With sourcing by INFOMOTION, you not only accelerate your projects, you also have the freedom to have process innovations tested by experts before you implement them in your organization.

Schnell David INFOMOTION
David Schell – Principal Management Consultant at INFOMOTION

Flexibility to Add Missing Capacities and Competencies 

Many project managers face a common challenge after their projects have been agreed to, budgets planned, and after they get the green light to start. During resource planning, they quickly find that they lack the personnel or professional expertise necessary to implement the project. Recruited employees have only limited capacity in addition to handling their own duties. In addition, they are not able to find all the skills they need from their own ranks. Ultimately, everyone suffers: employees, the project results, and the success of the company. Our sourcing solution: experts from INFOMOTION take on key positions and roles in your project, adding necessary competencies and expertise for successful implementation. Our employees have many years of experience in different industries: Automotive, Insurance, Retail, Life Sciences, and more. The range of project roles our experts can take on ranges from individual project management positions in risk, test and change management to PMO services or data management and architecture functions, or even overall responsibility for program or project management. Depending on your needs, they can act on a temporary basis in critical project phases, or in fixed roles throughout the course of the project.   

Working group, smiling

Custom Sourcing Solutions for Every Project Need 

Responsibility, project

Overall responsibility

In program or project management – either temporarily as needed or throughout the entire project – including as a fixed-price service contract. 

Project, phase, project phase, tasks

Project management

Handling individual project management functions in the planning, implementation and conclusion phases. 

Database, addition

Data management

Developing new functions in data management – Data Steward or others – including test operations and later handover. 

Increase, project resources, increase in efficiency

Project capacities

Increasing project capacities with experienced data & analytics consultants and architects, as well as business consultants. 

Expert, Change, Management, Skills


Support from change management experts for the transformation to a data-driven organization.   

Project, role, workforce

Specific roles

Taking on temporary roles in the project or program, such as scrum master, product owner or specialist architect. 


Schnell David INFOMOTION
#Contact person

Navigate and confidently complete your projects and programs with the help of our experts.

David Schell – Principal Management Consultant at INFOMOTION