[Translate to English:] Process Mining
#Area of Expertise

Optimize data-driven business processes with process mining

Dynamic markets, intense competition, changing customer requirements: efficient processes are more important than ever before for corporate success. With process mining solutions, you can identify inefficiencies early on and continuously improve your processes. Take advantage of our data performance expertise: turn your business processes into powerful drivers of success that optimally prepare you for future challenges.

With process mining, you can transform your business processes and increase your competitive advantage – through transparency and efficiency. Dive into the next generation of data-driven corporate management!

Kay Kasperkowitz; INFOMOTION
Kay Kasperkowitz — Manager at INFOMOTION

Meet us at the 23rd & 24th of October at the Celosphere in Munich!

Process mining with INFOMOTION – what you can expect

SAC planning, strategic planning, process

Automated process mapping

We help you gain insight into your business processes with just the push of a button. This ensures you record data quickly and precisely, and helps you keep an overview at all times.

Analysis of current situation, data, magnifying glass

Fact-based process analyses

We create data-based maps of your current processes to help us precisely identify potential improvements and systematically increase process efficiency.

Document, pen, requirements checked off

Improved compliance

We ensure reliable compliance with statutory regulations and regulatory standards, and offer a robust foundation for compliance management with continuous monitoring.

Increase, project resources, increase in efficiency

Better process efficiency

We use predictive and prescriptive analytics to identify inefficiencies, optimize bottlenecks and reduce the percentage of repetitive tasks.

Administration system

Improved process quality

By using task mining and advanced process analysis, we shorten lead times, increase automation rates and reduce rework.

[Translate to English:] Finance, Process, Process Optimization

Reduced process costs

We calculate the business value of your processes based on facts, and not only reduce working capital but also promote the efficient use of resources.

Process mining meets data performance: INFOMOTION visits MÜLLER | DIE LILA LOGISTIK

At the jointly held Process Excellence Day, the teams developed potential ideas to optimize the company's warehouse logistics. With the help of process mining and Celonis, they created solutions to reduce lead times by 50 % and significantly improve process conformity.

Thanks to outstanding support from INFOMOTION and our collaboration on implementing process mining, we were able to identify potential optimizations we had not been aware of and make decisions based on the available data.

Kevin Ciccorilli — Team Lead IT-Business Innovation at MÜLLER | DIE LILA LOGISTIK
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Data performance in your logistics with process mining and Celonis

Why choose Process Mining with INFOMOTION?

  • Provider-independent advising, so you truly receive the best solution for your specific needs.
  • Thanks to our process mining experience gained from over 500 customer projects, we offer deep and broad expertise in process optimization.
  • Comprehensive service, so you receive not only new applications, but a measurable performance boost.
  • Proven methods and modern technologies united into one unique methodologies that combines classic approaches like Six Sigma and Lean Management with innovative data management and machine learning technologies.
  • Interdisciplinary approaches in change management and pedagogy, with elements of storytelling, pedagogy and social psychology to make change management processes more effective.
  • Technological expertise, with a deep understanding of source systems, data architectures and data visualization allow us to navigate through complex data landscapes and extract insights leading to smarter and faster decisions.

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