Utilizing the Full Potential of Data with the Right Technology
Data & analytics platforms are essential to utilize the potential of data throughout all corporate areas. The experts from INFOMOTION advise and support you in choosing and implementing data & analytics platforms tailored to your individual needs that can grow with new requirements.

Comprehensive Technological Advising for the Highest Data Performance
Modern data & analytics platforms help companies to get the most benefit from their data. For data technologies to effectively support data performance, employees must be enabled in using tools and systems optimally. In addition, platforms and architectures must be designed so that they can be adapted flexibly to new requirements, processes, and working methods at the company at any time to meet its needs. Depending on the initial situation, existing data structures and processes must be seamlessly integrated into a new platform architecture. To achieve maximum data performance, technological decisions must be made within the context of the organization and process landscape.
The experts at INFOMOTION advise and support companies with a comprehensive perspective on their organization, processes, and technologies. Digital technologies can only successfully support the transformation to a data performing enterprise if a company has the necessary skills and framework conditions. Because of this, we always supplement platform projects with accompanying programs and measures, to anchor new tools and working methods within the organization for the long-term. Our experts place special focus on ownership, so strategic planning and development of the data & analytics platform and architecture within the company are ensured for the long term.
Managing a Data & Analytics Platform Like a Product
Developing a data & analytics platform for a data-driven company is more than just a one-time project. Since platform requirements and technical possibilities can change continuously over time, we see planning and implementation within the company as an ongoing process. The heart of the process is managing the data & analytics platform like a product – based on a “data strategy and roadmap” for digital transformation, focused consistently on the business objectives and framework conditions within the company. Depending on the company's goals and initial situation, the right data & analytics platform can be selected based on a best-of-breed or best-of-suite principle. Especially when choosing a new data & analytics platform or making basic adjustments to existing technologies, current processes and working methods should be questioned critically and adapted as needed during the transformation. This is true in particular when changing from a self-hosted to a cloud-based data & analytics platform, and for decentralized concepts like data mesh. For both approaches – cloud migration and data mesh – the organization must have sufficient technological maturity. The experts at INFOMOTION can assess this maturity through analyzing necessary capabilities and framework conditions, then develop a custom “data strategy and roadmap” on this basis.
Our Data Platforms & Architecture Consulting Services

Organizational Structure
Using data & analytics platforms results in wide-ranging organizational changes.

Strategy & Roadmap
The data & analytics platform is a key element of the data and technology strategy.

Data Governance
Data governance and existing architectures/platforms need to be tailored to one another.

Skill Enablement
The architectures and platforms used require specialized skills from employees.

Data Culture
The architecture and platform are key building blocks of the data culture, and influence that culture in turn.

Software Evaluation
Professional analysis and assessment of software within the platform and architecture.

We advise and support you in selecting and implementing data & analytics platforms tailored to your individual needs.